Free Psychic School / 3:1


and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick. But I will destroy the fat and the strong."
. You see, life is dynamic not static, It hates complacency, self-satisfaction. It wants to be stirred up, it insists upon being drawn upon and if you won't do it, it throws you into the discard and gives the chance to someone else. What would happen to a cell in your own body that grew so fat and strong that it closed itself to all the lymph (water) around it? It would dry up and die, would it not, and your lymph would bend its efforts towards getting rid of it to make room for a live cell that would USE the nourishment with which it was surrounded.
The same is true of every form of life. You, for instance, are just a cell in the great God body of the universe. All about you is the lymph of God the electrical energy in the ether which contains every element you need for life, for your surroundings, for your expression. The only thing you must do is give it form.
You are giving it form every minute in your body, your circumstances, your surroundings. The trouble is, you are doing it unconsciously, so more often than not you give it the forms you fear rather than the ones you want, What is the remedy?
1st, to learn how to consciously and intelligently give this energy the form you want it to take.
2nd, to break up the old imperfect or grotesque forms made by fear, and cast them into the discard.
How did the crayfish get its shell? How did the bee get its sting, the serpent its fangs, the bird Its wings? They were not created that way. They came through a gradual process of evolution. And what brought them was the need for escape from imminent danger, the urgent need acting galvanically upon the nervous center of each creature, impelling it to draw upon the elements around it for what it felt was necessary to It for survival.
Remember that: it is not the intellect not the brain that draws things to you. 'It is your NERVE CENTERS your solar plexus and sympathetic nervous system. They are your radio power stations, their nerve ends your antennae. You can reason from now until Kingdom come, you can intellectually desire a thing forever and never get it. It is when you get the urge into your FEELINGS, when your whole being vibrates to the Need for it, that you draw to yourself from anywhere and everywhere the elements necessary to its manifestation.

That is why the sincere love of a man -for a maid so often draws to him the object of his affections, even though at first she seems entirely indifferent to him. Love sets his nerve centres vibrating with feeling, with desire, and unless neutralized by counter waves of doubt and fear, draws to itself its own.
But it works as surely the other way, too. Fear and jealousy are just as potent energizers of the nerve centres, and they draw to themselves the elements they dwell upon quite as certainly.
You see, nerve centres came before the brain, and as psychic magnetic factors, they are still more potent than the brain. They responded to outside influences before there was any such thing as a brain, and even now, if the brain be removed, the nerve centres continue for a time to react to certain impulses. Darwin noted this in the reflexes of a decapitated frog.
"If a drop of acid be placed on the lower surface of the thigh of a headless frog," he writes,.
"it will rub off the drop with the upper surface of the foot of the same leg. If this foot is cut off, it cannot thus act. After some fruitless efforts, therefore, it gives up trying in that way, and at last makes use of the foot of the other leg and succeeds in rubbing off the acid. Notably we have here not merely contractions of muscles but combined and harmonized contractions in due sequence for a special purpose.These are actions that have all the appearance of being guided by intelligence and instigated by will in an animal, the recognized organ of whose intelligence and will (the brain) has been removed. "
Tests have proven the same principle be true of human tissue. The cells react to certain outside impulses after being removed from the body, exactly as they ~o~ld when connected with the brain. In short, It IS your nerve centers that are the seat of all your reflex actions. And it is your nerve centers that magnetize your Psychic Powers for good or Ill, for fortune or disaster.
Think back for a moment to some of those times when you have been worried, fearful. Remember what a "gone" feeling it gave you In the pit of your stomach, remember how your nerves were on edge all over your body, so that any sudden noise made you jump, any trifling annoyance exasperated you beyond all reason? Why? Because your nerves were keyed tight like so many violin strings, and they vibrated to the slightest touch. It is when they are in this state that they are most like a radio antenna, drawing to themselves from the whole universe the elements they seek. "Psychic Power!"

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