Free Psychic School / 3:2


But when keyed up by fear or anger or worry, the elements your antenna seek out are those related to their causes, and they usually take form as sickness or trouble or disaster of some kind. You can key your antenna to just as receptive a pitch through any other emotion, and draw to you every element of Psychic Power instead of evil. It is nature in her primitive state at work all over again. To those creatures who feared greatly, she gave shells to shut themselves up in. To the fierce and those easily angered, she gave teeth and claws and sinews for battle. But to those who loved peace, she gave wings to soar aloft, far from all the turmoil and strife, with safety and seclusion in the topmost branches of the tallest trees. To each according to what it conceived to be its Own needs. What are YOUR needs? A meaningless job, enough food to eat, a place to sleep? Then these are all you will get. Make your needs great ones, worthwhile ones! The life In you is just as capable of drawing to you the elements necessary to fill them. But to get them, you have to break out of your 'shell; in fact, you have to break up into pieces the "Shell of Circumstance" that has formed around yOU, and start all Over like the single cell.
The only biological reason for old age is that the cells of the body become clogged with waste matter, until every pore and passage is literally encased in a hard shell, and though surrounded by life, new life (Psychic Power) can't get in The remedy is the same as for a dry, hard sponge-squeeze it tight, immerse it and let what water will come in. The first time, won't be much, but each time you squeeze It, the water will wash out more and more of the impurities that clog it, until finally you have a fresh, clean sponge, capable of drawing to itself and holding the maximum amount of water. The same principle holds true of you as a cell in the God-body of the universe. You are surrounded by lymph (the water in the body, you know is called lymph. In the case of the universe, let us take the electrical energy all around us, of which everything is made, as our lymph). Yet you have been getting from It only a bare existence, while others around you .no more able, no more worthy, have been drawing down all the comforts of life. What IS your trouble? Get rid right now of any idea that it is because your neighbor is more favored than you, with brains, or opportunity, or education. These help, but they are not decisive factors. The deciding factors are WHAT YOU REQUIRE FROM LIFE and ON WHAT YOU PUT YOUR DEPENDENCE FOR IT!, If trees depended upon root pressure alone to drive the water to their topmost branches, we should have forests of nothing but stunted

trees. It is the evaporation of the moisture in the leaves that carries water to the tops of even the tallest trees. Just so with you. If you depend upon your skill or ability alone, you will never get far. You will be stunted all your life. You will be living in your own shell dependent upon the nourishment your roots can bring to you from the soil immediately around them. In other words, you will be dependent entirely upon the skill of your hands or the work of your head. But that is the smallest part of you.
Psychic Power comes to you when you reach out with all your millions of antennas that you get the whole universe working for you until you tower head and shoulders over all about you. You are not to draw upon the help of the universe through your friends or relatives or those around you! No, indeed! You are to draw "Psychic Power" as all cell life has from the beginning-through your own self, through your nerve centers! When the crayfish needed a shell, he didn't borrow the requisites for it from his neighbors. He drew upon the lymph around him for the elements necessary to its making, letting them work through him. And that is what you, too, must do. But first you must' make sure that every pore and passage is open to that lymph. You must break down every wall that hedges you in. You must smash every shell that keeps the Psychic Power out.
You must let go of all fears; all hatreds, all resentments. , When you plant a seed of corn, what is the first thing you do? Break up the ground, isit not? But after a while, that ground settles again and the rain and wind and sunshine bake it as hard as -a shell. What do you do? Break it up-that the warmth and the air and the moisture may 'freely reach your seed of Psychic Power. Only thus can you expect your "Psychic. Power" to increase and multiply an hundredfold. You are like that seed of 'corn.' You were planted in rich soil, - but the storms of circumstance and the heat of struggle have baked it into a hard shell that holds you down. You have to break that shell before you can bring forth "Psychic Power." Your habits of thought, your outlook on life, your circumstances and surroundings, all form part of that shell. You must break them up, You have been accustomed to depend upon your own unaided skill or abilities fory our opportunities. You have looked, 1.0 your customers, or business associates, or your own physical efforts, for your rewards. All these are right, enough, if you can be satisfied with the mere work of your hands, but if you are looking for the big rewards, you must break up all dependence upon circumstances and conditions, How shall you break it up'!

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