Free Psychic School / 1:4


Perhaps this may be easier to believe if. you remember that it is the way all of Nature works. Take the mineral kingdom: A group of cells shows "cohesion" or the, ability to stick together. Why? Because all are of the same kind, the electronic life in them revolving at the same rate. In like manner, they possess the ability to repel any other kind of cell that might attempt to join the group, because the rate of motion in those other cells is different. In the 'vegetable kingdom, the process of selection is greater. Each group of cells attracts to itself from its immediate environment .all those cells that are exactly like those forming that particular plant, and it repels all others. Thus tomatoes and potatoes and beans and a dozen other vegetables can all grow side by side, yet remain entirely separate and distinct in their organisms. No part of the potato will be ~attracted by or absorbed into the tomato, or Vice versa; Each uses its selective properties to re- main true to type.

In Tune With the Infinite

The first essential to putting yourself in harmony with the Infinite "Psychic Power" about you is to relax, to take off the brakes. For what is worry or fear or discouragement but a brake on your thinking and on the proper functioning of your organs, a slowing down of your enure rate of activity? It is said that the Devil once held a sale of all the tools of his trade. Everything was displayed his keen-edged daggers of jealousy, his sledge-hammer of anger, his bow of greed, his arrows of lust and covetousness, his weapons of vanity and fear and envy and pride. And under each was its price.
But in the place of honour, framed and set apart from all the rest was a small wedge, dented and marked with use, The name of this wedge was "Discouragement," and the price set upon it was higher than all the other tools combined. Asked the reason for this amazing difference, the Devil explained-" It is because this is the one tool I can use when all others fail. Let me get that little wedge into a man's consciousness, and it opens the way for everything else. That wedge has opened more doors to me than all my other weapons combined." Few things will slow down your rate of activity as much as Discouragement. Few offer greater resistance to the "Psychic Power" that is trying to manifest itself in your mind. You remember Ohm's Law in electricity. C = E รท R. C is the amount of electrical energy to be delivered at the point of use. E is the amount available from the power house. R represents the resistance offered by all the things through which the current must flow. If there were no resistance, the full amount of current generated by E would be delivered. But there is always some resistance. Even the best conductor 'offers a little, and you can't deliver current without a conductor. So the amount actually delivered depends upon the power available, divided by the resistance.

All the energy of the universe is around you. You can have all the "Psychic Power" you desire. But it must first go through you-and you won't let it. You put up more resistance to the Psychic Power than all the non-conductors that ever interfered with an electrical circuit. You can't believe that the "Psychic Power" is so easily available. You feel that it can come to you only after hard struggle, and disappointments and pain. You insist upon putting these non-conductors in its path. You add worries and fears and hates and envies, so that by the time the "Psychic Power" reaches you, its cur- rent is so weak that there is little left. Like attracts like. Hate brings hate, and all the ills that follow in its wake. Envy and fear and worry attract discord and disease. If you want Psychic Power, in your life, if you are seeking riches and success, attune your thoughts to these. BLESS the circumstances. that surround you. Bless and praise those who come in contact with you. Bless even the difficulties you meet, for by blessing them, you can change them from discordant conditions to favourable ones, you can speed up their rate of activity to where they will bring you "Psychic Power." It is only lack of RESPONSIVENESS to Psychic Power that produces the lacks in your life.
Psychic Power works on the plane of EXPANSION. Psychic Power revolves at a high rate of activity. You can key your activity to that same rate by an expectant, confident state of mind. You can bong all your surroundings and circumstances up to that same level by BLESSING them, PRAISING the Psychic Power in them. Remember, the Psychic Power magnet lies in your own thoughts. Upon the quality and activity of that magnet depend the good or evil that will be drawn to you. You are the Master of your fate. You are the architect who determines the materials that are to be used in making your life and your circumstances. You have the power of SELECTIVITY. How, then; shall we order our lives, to the end that we may have the Psychic Power to produce the good things we seek riches and happiness, health and success? ,How shall we lead our children 'in the right paths, how shall - we help others?
"Se'ek ye first the Kingdom of EXPANSION ... and all things else shall-be add- ed unto you."

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