Free Psychic School / 1:2


Seek a place or a state of being where you can expand, grow, increase, multiply, bring forth psychic power. This idea is further strengthened by Jesus' own description of what the Kingdom of Heaven is like. "The Kingdom of Heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field; which indeed is the least of all seeds, but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof." "The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, until the whole was leavened. " What is the property of a mustard seed? If spreads-a single seed will grow into a tree, a single tree will produce enough seeds to plant a great field. And what is the property of leaven or yeast? It expands-in a single night it can expand a hundred times in size. Go back over any of the miracles of increase in the Bible and see if they are not all miracles of EXPANSION. How did Elijah make the oil and meal last, so that one measure of oil and a little meal fed him and the widow and her son for an indefinite period? How did Elisha in- crease the pot of oil for that other widow who came to him to save her sons from bondage, so that she had enough to fill all the vessels she could borrow from her neighbors?
By EXPANDING them, did they not? And how can you expand things in order to receive Psychic Power? We know of only two methods
I-By PRESSURE from within.
2-By HEAT.
If you want to expand something elastic, you can blow air or liquid into it and thus force it up under pressure, or you can push it out with your hands. But that sort of expansion lasts only as long as the pressure is applied. To produce PSYCHIC POWER, expansion must come from within the object itself, just as it comes from within -every seed that grows. Such expansion comes only from HEAT. To expand water, for instance, you heat it until it becomes steam, and from that expanded vapor, you can get power to do greater work than thousands of men or hundreds of horses could do. I f you want to expand metal, you bring it to a white heat, and while in that state, you can make of it anything your skill can contrive. If you want to expand coal, and draw from it the rich gases and coal tar and dyes and other derivatives hidden under its nard exterior, you have only LO heat it. In short, the one pre- requisite to the expansion of almost any element from within seems to be HEAT. But how can we use heat to expand our Psychic Power?

Should we then throw everything into the fire - and hope to get OUf in- crease from the flames? B-1 no means. Certainly that was not the way Jesus did it. Nor the Prophets. They used heat, but it was a different kind of heat. It was the heat of LOVE, of PRAISE and BLESSING, fanned by the breath of FAITH. Take the time, for instance, when the multitudes had followed Jesus out of the cities into a desert place. In front of Him stood 5,000 hungry people. To feed them, Jesus had only five loaves and two small fishes. What did He do? He first BLESSED the bread and the fishes. He PRAISED them. He THANKED God for them. You who have worked with people specially with children or simple-minded folk-know the effects of PRAISE. Children expand under it. They do things they would otherwise find impossible. It seems to increase their energy. Certainly it taps well-springs that are ordinarily close to them. The same is true in the handling of animals -of people. famous Sales Manager was having difficulty with his men. Their sales had slumped, and his "pep" talks, his urgings, his threats, had faIled to bring them up again. He put up a large electric sign to the main corridor of his building, where everyone who came through would see it: "The salesman whose work has been most outstanding this week is .... " Immediately the sales jumped, and from that week .on he never had to worry about a slump again. How does this apply to inanimate things? The answer is that there are no inanimate things. Science today shows us that everything is full of life. Inside the apparently inert lump of lead or iron are tiny atoms of whirling energy, dashing here and there, bounding and rebounding and circling around like miniature solar systems, with a rapidity to which the speed of an airplane is as nothing. The mass as a mass may be quiet, but inside is boundless energy. Where there is ceaseless energy, there is Life. Where movement is orderly and seemingly in accord with a well-laid plan, there is bound to be Intelligence. And where there is Intelligence, there must be RESPONSIVENESS. It is this Responsiveness on the part of everything in life that makes it possible for you to prove the truth of the Scriptural promise that man should have PSYCHIC POWER over the earth and over everything upon or under the earth.
How can you exercise that Psychic Power? Not by force. Not even by prayer. But by PRAISE

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